-- Conservative Businessman and Councilman Darrin Guidry announces his candidacy for Terrebonne Parish President, which will be decided this fall.

"Terrebonne Parish faces a pivotal time. We're still recovering from a major hurricane, our oil industry is under attack, insurance rates are rising and our way of life is threatened. The next Parish President will need the experience and leadership necessary to create new ways to grow our economy, bring down insurance costs and improve our community," said Guidry.
Guidry is a life-long Republican and is currently serving his second term on the Terrebonne Parish Council after his election in 2015 and re-election in 2019. He also served as Parish Council Chairman for the previous two years (2021 & 2022), during which time he filled in for the Parish President during his absence.
Prior to being elected Councilman, Darrin Guidry served as Parish President Michel Claudet's appointment to the Terrebonne Levee and Conservation District Board of Commissioners, where he served for 8 years. Guidry was instrumental in working with fellow commissioners to set in motion the most aggressive levee construction project in the region’s history, a project built with limited federal funding.
“Flood protection is not a sprint, but a marathon. The next Parish President will need to build upon what we have accomplished so far, while focusing on the other needs of Terrebonne Parish,” Guidry added.
He highlights quality of life projects, better roads and a clean, safe community as among his top priorities.
While serving as the Chamber of Commerce’s appointment to the Terrebonne Economic Development Authority from 2006-2012 Guidry worked together with fellow board members to help create and retain thousands of jobs in Terrebonne Parish. As Parish President, he plans to work closely with TEDA to repeat this success.
Guidry was station manager of KCIL/KJIN radio stations from 1989-1992. His leadership during Hurricane Andrew resulted in KCIL being the only radio station in the Tri-Parish area to remain on the air before, during and after the storm, broadcasting vital information to the sheltered and shut-in residents of Terrebonne Parish.
"That was the highlight of my professional career," stated Guidry.
He later went on to manage KHOM radio station until 1997 when he and his wife founded the weekly Tri-Parish Times and the monthly Gumbo Entertainment Guide. In 2014, the couple sold its publishing business, and today they own and operate a successful real estate investment company.
Darrin Guidry resides in Houma with his wife of 30 years, the former Pamela Matherne, and together they have a son, Darrin "D.J." Guidry, Jr; a daughter, Brooke DeRoche Spiers; and two granddaughters, Anna Deroche and Adyn Falgout. They are members of Maria Immacolata Catholic Church in Houma, and Guidry is a founding member and former financial secretary of the Immacolata Knights of Columbus.
In addition to serving on the Parish Council, Guidry serves as chairman of the Terrebonne Parish Republican Party and was a founding board member of the Terrebonne General Medical Center Foundation. He is a long-time member, and former board member, of the Houma-Terrebonne Chamber of Commerce, past president of the Rotary Club of Houma and past chairman and board member of the South Louisiana Center for the Arts.
“Experience alone is not what is going to make your life and your parish better. Experience must be combined with hard work. As your Parish President I will be accessible. I’ll answer your call and open my door when you need something from Parish Government,” said Guidry. “I've proven to work hard as Terrebonne Parish Councilman, and now I want to work hard as Terrebonne Parish President. I ask for your vote this fall.”
The Parish President seat is being vacated by Gordon Dove who is term limited. Early Voting starts September 30th and the Election is October 14th.